BA launch new deal to raise ticket sales

Monday, 4th May 2009

Times must be hard for British Airways. With ticket sales at an all time low due to the recession, they are being forced to try out new tactics and marketing strategies.

The result of the recent economic downturn is that most commuters and tourists are being forced to pinch pennies, with those who would usually travel Business Class now opting for Economy.

This is a great time to travel buy plane as dwindling numbers and intense competition between airlines continually causes prices to drop and the emergence of new creative offers.

The latest deal is a new buy-one-get-one-free offer on business class seats, something which has never been offered to passengers before. The offer is available for Business Class travel between June 1 and October 31.

However, those wishing to take advantage of the new deal will have to hurry as booking ends at midnight on May 5th. Simply visit British Airways’ website to book online or call the usual booking number.

It is hoped that with the latest deal ticket sales for British Airways flights will soon start to soar.

← BA offers free flights to support SMEs
→ Airline cannot bear it on board
↑ May 2009 news index

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